How To Remove Sistaco From Skin?



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If Sistaco's formulation has set to the skin then it is likely that you have applied to the skin and then cured it whilst it remains on the skin. This can be removed by gently cleaning with Acetone applied on a cotton bud, avoiding your actual application or over time it will wear off. To remove excess powder from the skin however, simply brush off after your final Top Coat is set & wash nails thoroughly. Dry well and condition daily with Sistaco Elixir to help with longevity and keep your nails moisturised.

Choose healthier nails with Sistaco

 Rated 4.89/5 stars - Over 300k Happy Customers

Choose healthier nails with Sistaco

 Rated 4.89/5 stars - Over 300k Happy Customers

Over 300,000 users have switched to Sistaco

“Started Sistaco in January, love that my manicure lasts without chipping. This system is amazing and a total addiction!”


Lisa Testa

“I'm 7 months into my Sistaco journey and haven't had bare nails since I started! ”


Stephanie Aldis

“I’ve been using it regularly for a few months now. Finally a manicure I think is worth the time investment!”


Rachel Royer

“Finally did my nails today after having my kit for a few weeks. Thank you!"

