How To Make Sistaco Last Longer
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To make Sistaco last longer, consider the following tips: 1. When applying the Base Coat always start from the centre of the nail and push out the formulation in a type of light scrubbing motion to the cuticle, avoiding touching the skin. Turn brush and push to the tip of the nail so that your formulation goes slightly over the free edge, 'capping' the nail. Make sure the Base Coat covers the nail plate without attaching to the skin. This application method will ensure that the Base Coat is embedded into your nail plate; which you will have already prepped with oil free soap, a prep pad and light buffing. 2. Ensure you apply Sistaco Elixir daily over your application as this will provide further longevity. 3. Always apply formulation and powder with a very light touch and do not apply thickly.
Choose healthier nails with Sistaco
Rated 4.89/5 stars - Over 300k Happy Customers

Choose healthier nails with Sistaco
Rated 4.89/5 stars - Over 300k Happy Customers