Sistaco Mineral Bond was born from a (sometimes creative) mother and daughter team that like doing things differently. Deciding nail polish just didn’t ‘cut it’ and not finding enough time to walk the dog, far less go to a salon, we developed the concept (like many good ideas) in the home.

The ‘who are we’ comes in the form of 2 passionate women that love empowering others. Seeing our community connect through our Facebook group always warms our hearts. We never forget that we are privileged to be able to work hard to grow a business, a privilege that is not available for so many others, often through place of birth and hence giving back is a major driving force for the Sistaco brand. We choose ‘grass root’ charities that are also ‘home grown’ and do not receive the benefits of some larger charity organisations. Where, like us, the hard work is put in by themselves, due to their passion.

Sistaco Mineral Bond was born from a (sometimes creative) mother and daughter team that like doing things differently. Deciding nail polish just didn’t ‘cut it’ and not finding enough time to walk the dog, far less go to a salon, we developed the concept (like many good ideas) in the home.

The ‘who are we’ comes in the form of 2 passionate women that love empowering

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Goodness that was a long one that is far from complete! Initially we took our concept to consumer and professional events around Australia. Finding it ‘ticked a box’, soon followed (wrapping in further family members) international events and distribution. Packing for events was such a production; ensuring freight arrived (often not or upside down) and setting up from London to Dubai to Canada and everywhere in between; then moving to the next event. We were exhausted! Oh, and hardly ever home!

Then ‘once upon a time’ Covid happened, and we looked at each other to say; oh well that was a ‘fun ride’; time for a rest. Or so we thought! Unfortunately, we just didn’t give up that easily. 'On-line' happened and if we thought we had been busy before; we had no idea what was to come...

Goodness that was a long one that is far from complete! Initially we took our concept to consumer and professional events around Australia. Finding it ‘ticked a box’, soon followed (wrapping in further family members) international events and distribution. Packing for events was such a production; ensuring freight arrived (often not or upside down) and setting up from London to Dubai to Canada and everywhere in between; then moving to the

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ALWAYS DO BETTER and ALWAYS GIVE BACK! This would probably be the expression that encapsulates our brand. As mentioned, we like different, so when developing, we like to create something unique. Each product is thought through from formula to packaging, making sure it is the best it can be. Supporting our customers the best we can is most important and we try to encourage our community to be the kind of group that everyone wants to be part of; this we feel we achieve and it makes us proud. Of course we are not always perfect but we do continue to strive to be so; or as close as humanly possible! Read more


Sistaco Powders are a true powder that is mineral based and non-toxic.


Our products Do NOT include any animal-derived ingredients.


As a brand we would NEVER advocate the use of any animal in testing of any product that we produce.


Nuestra misión

Creemos que todas las mujeres y niñas nacen con un gran potencial, pero no todas las mujeres tienen las mismas oportunidades. Sistaco se compromete a brindar a las mujeres en Nepal que viven en la pobreza las herramientas y los recursos que necesitan para construir una vida mejor para ellas, sus familias y comunidades.

Cómo estamos haciendo nuestra parte

El Proyecto Sista se formó para apoyar el trabajo de nuestros principales socios benéficos. A través de nuestro apoyo, nuestros socios brindan a las mujeres que viven en la pobreza, la violencia y las dificultades en Nepal acceso a la información, las habilidades y los recursos que necesitan para mejorar sus vidas y las de su comunidad.

Centros de recursos

Los centros de recursos brindan servicios esenciales para las mujeres que incluyen atención esencial de la salud física y mental junto con asesoramiento legal y financiero profesional.

Entrenamiento vocacional

Se establece una variedad de programas vocacionales para empoderar a las mujeres con capacitación enfocada en liderazgo, igualdad de género y, lo que es muy importante, capacitación y educación para permitir que las mujeres sean más independientes financieramente.

Asistencia legal

Proporcionamos la financiación de la asistencia jurídica a cientos de mujeres. La asistencia está en el forma de asesoramiento jurídico, representación y acceso a un abogado.


A través de esquemas de microcréditos, nuestros socios brindan a las mujeres la oportunidad de lograr la independencia financiera. proporcionando pequeños préstamos que les permitan iniciar sus propios negocios.

Nuestro compromiso

Actualmente brindamos apoyo a hasta 330 mujeres nepalíes en nuestra primera
Centro de recursos con planes de expansión muy pronto.

nuestro nepalí
Centros de recursos

Solo un centro de recursos proporciona:

Acceso gratuito a oportunidades y recursos que cambian la vida. Estos incluyen lo siguiente: Asesoramiento
Grupos de apoyo facilitados
Soporte legal
Conciencia de derechos
Desarrollo y formación de competencias profesionales
Capacitación para pequeñas empresas
Préstamos de microfinanciamiento para establecer pequeñas empresas

Nuestro Plan de Expansión Continuo

Nuestro plan es brindar asistencia y apoyo para la vida de las mujeres en todo Nepal mediante el crecimiento de nuestra comunidad de Centros de recursos. Su continuo apoyo a Sistaco significa que podemos financiar y construir más centros de recursos para mujeres para acceder.

Nuestros compañeros

Sistaco tardó mucho en encontrar un socio que tuviera los mismos valores fundamentales que nosotros. Nos sentimos honrados de asociarnos con The Gobal Women's Project (GWP); una organización de base 'sin fines de lucro', dirigida en su totalidad por mujeres apasionadas de forma voluntaria. Existe para mejorar las vidas y los medios de subsistencia de las mujeres de todo el mundo y marcar la diferencia.